
The possibility of full self-expression is available to you through musician mindset coaching.

Build the life in music that you choose.

Musical Being was founded by guitarist, educator and coach, William Seiji Marsh. 

Musical Being offers coaching services and resources to musicians to support them in creating the life in music that they choose powerfully, not the life that they think is available to them.

Musical Being also hosts the Musical Being Community, a free Facebook group where musicians can support each other in dealing powerfully with whatever shows up in music.

Experience Musical Being for yourself!

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About Unleashing Mastery


Unleashing Mastery is an 8-week course designed to have its participants in on-the-court practice towards experiencing unprecedented freedom in their musical lives and to have the possibility of achieving what they want in music.  Through taking on the practices outlined in this course, you will have a completely transformed experience of music, and you will be achieving results at a level that you never believed possible.

For many musicians, we locate “mastery” outside of ourselves, and we believe that there are things that we have to do in order to attain it.  I assert that mastery is innate in each of us, and through being masterful in even the simplest tasks, we are in the practice of bringing increasingly complex skills into our innate mastery.

What is musician mindset?

Musician mindset is the conversation around the space in which music shows up for us, distinct from the practical or theoretical conversations around music. Living in a mode of surviving every lesson, gig, rehearsal, recording session or performance, we often collapse two very distinct concepts: music and our interpretation of music

By teasing out what beliefs we have attached to music and separating them from what music actually is, we then have the power to deal with whatever shows up in the actions that we take. Often these beliefs are so ingrained in our concept of music, that we don’t even consider them to be beliefs. If you have ever said any of the following phrases, you are in the habit of collapsing music with your interpretation of music:

“______ is hard to play!”

“I will never be a master.”

“It’s impossible to make a career in music.”

“I don’t write good songs.”

“I don’t have time to practice as much as I need to.”


These are beliefs in which many musicians exist without having distinguished them as beliefs.  Imagine, for example, describing water to a fish.  For a being that has only experienced being in water, there is nothing to distinguish water from not-water.  So are we, as musicians, experiencing music in a context that we have created without knowing that we exist in that context, because we know nothing different. Musician mindset is an inquiry into the nature of this context, its source, and whether it is in alignment with what we, as individual musicians, want for ourselves and our communities. Once we have distinguished this context, we can begin to deal powerfully with it.